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File Upload.

Upload Your Files

You can upload files here for processing. Please note that you will need your assigned user name and password.

If you don’t have a user name and password, please contact us.

Downloading Your Files

If you’re trying to pick up files, please login to the FTP as per usual.

Macintosh Users

Click the Go dropdown menu then select Connect To Server

  1. In the server address window type server.thunderbirdpress.com
  2. In the dialog box type in your assigned user name and password
  3. Open the folder, then drag and drop your files into the folder or pick up your files
  4. Be sure to send an email with file info to: prepress@tbirdpress.com

PC Users

  1. In Window Explorer – Open a window and enter the following address \\server.thunderbirdpress.com
  2. In the dialog box type in your assigned user name and password
  3. Open your folder, drag and drop files into the folder or pick up your files.
  4. Be sure to send an email with file info to: prepress@tbirdpress.com


Kendra Getty

Production Manager

Alberto Garcia